Plank has been the King of the Culde-sac since the year 2000 and has done so much for the community of Peach
Creek. He has even had to endur a political scandal in 2001 which were false allogations. Plank wants another four more years
in office because he states that he has brought the community of Peach Creek into the 21st century. One of Plank's strongest
beliefs is to preserve the environment so that future generations can enjoy its splenders. He has been part of the Nature
Lover's Organization for over six years and has planted well over 200 trees. He believes in a scam free community and will
stop at nothing to ensure that every citizen keeps their allowance. His newest promise is to build a subway to the candy store
making it much easier to travel to. His campaign slogan is "Wood is good." He hopes that you give him another four years so
that he can develope this community further.
Eddy has decided to run yet again. After being defeated by Plank last time he states that nothing will get
in his way as he contends for the office of King of the Culde-sac. He believes in a buck in every pocket and a jawbreaker
in every mouth. He has recently been laying off on the scams and is trying to give back to the community. He has built a new
playground however it crashed last week causing many injuries. However he said that it was the thought that counts. He says
that he can change if the community lets him. He is running on the slogan "Eddy is better and Plank is not"
Rolf is a third party candidate who just wants some votes. He is in favor for the farmers of America. He
believes that everyone should value the tradition of the giant sea cucumber. This is Rolf's second time of running for office.
Last time only recieved 1% of the votes counted while Eddy and Plank recieved the other 99%. He however hopes that the people
will clean their ears of fish entrails and listen to what he has to say. He is running under the slogan "Farmers of America
lend me your ears."
Who will become King of the cul-de-sac this year? It's all up to you! Point your mouses
to the poll below and vote for who you want to be King of the cul-de-sac! Poll Coming Soon
Stay tuned to this page in the upcoming week for the latest Peach Creek Election info!
--Update: A debate has just taken place between Eddy and Plank. A transcript of the debate can be found here.
--Dr. Eric, Resident MD and Peach Creek Election Correspondant
JBC 2005
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