Disqualified Actions
By doing any of the actions below you will be disqualified:
1. Turning in false scores
2. Purposefully disrupting game play
3. Attempting theft of other's gtoons or ctoons
If we see fit that someone has broken any other rules the JBC has permission to
disqualify that player(s). Any person that breaks a rule will not be allowed to participate in any other JBC special tournaments.
Can anyone enter in the tournament?
Yes, it is open to everyone just send me your orbit name and you're
signed up.
What gtoons can I use?
You can use anyone that you want even slams. This is a tournament of skill so everything
can be used.
When is the deadline to register?
The deadline is the 5th of August and gameplay begins the 7th.
Can I create multiple names to play?
No, you will be disqualified if you do this. You will find other rules as well
on this page that will get you disqualified.
What happens if my game disconnects during play?
If your game disconnects and it says that you lost then your match is over. However
if the game freezes and nobody wins please email me to let me know what happened.
What are the prizes?
It will be a surprise this year.
Step by step instructions provided by Cartoon Orbit Promotions
How to make a screen shot in Cartoon Orbit
Personally I didn't know how to do this until now. Thanks to Cliff from Cartoon
Orbit Promotions.
To capture everything on your screen just push the "Print Scrn" button (next
to the f12 button) then you need to open up a paint program, most people have "Paint" or paintshop, and open a new file then
paste (some paint programs you need to import from the clipboard). The pic then appears there, save as a jpeg or gif as they
are nice and small never save as a .bmp way too big.
(Press Print Scrn--> Click on Start--> Programs--> Accessories--> Paint-->
Edit--> Paste--> File--> Save As...)
To capture just the top window, which is what you would do to just show
us an info card, make sure that window is on top and highlighted. Then press "Alt" and the "Print Scrn" button at the same
time, follow the "Paint" or paintshop proceedure and its ready for public viewing.
JBC 2005
"I'm Ed and I approve the JBC" |
The JBC is not affiliated to Cartoon Network or A.K.A. Studios in any way. The JBC is a non profit site and is only mantained
for sheer entertainment. No infringement is intended.
Jawbreaker Chronicleİ 2002-2006 All Articles are the original ideas of the staff
members of the site. The creator isn't liable for any content taken by staff members. Please don't take our articles. If you
would like to use one please email the Editor.