JBC Contract |
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Added Affiliates Section: November
25, 2004 Contract created and signed on JBC Code and
Contract for All Members and Website Viewers This contract was set up for all
JBC© members and people who visit the site. This document will give
credit to all due sources of the Chronicle. It will also explain staff privileges and rules that must be abided. There is
also a section concerning the policy of website suggestions/tips and is not limited to writing articles, sending pictures,
or any other type of suggestions. Website Viewers The JBC© was made for the people for their enjoyment and participation. However certain rules apply in suggestions
and or writing articles. Legal Notice Rule: 1A: Ed, Edd n Eddy are sole property of AKA Studios. The JBC© doesn’t own rights to any AKA property. The site is set up for entertaining
purposes only. This website makes no profit. Rule
1B: Every website viewer has the privilege of sending in articles that he or she has written. Any form of plagiarizing
is prohibited and will cause the said person to lose the privilege of submitting articles. Also the news will be sent to the
website or company immediately and all punishments will be left up to that company or website. We have no control over their
actions. Rule
1B: The creator (s) of the site have full power in choosing which articles are actually put on the website.The creator(s) have
the choice to not put an article up for any reason. The creator can also change and alter any articles.(This includes
staff articles) *The JBC means no harm in not posting your articles* Rule
1C: Website viewers will have their ISP Address banned if they violate any of these rules. Special admittance to the JBC: Eric, and any
other staff that I give permission to can change the coding of the site. Everyone else is prohibited. Threatening is defined as:
is defined as: Offensive to public moral values; immodest. Vulgar is defined as: Crudely indecent. Viewers
Rights Every visitor to the JBC© has the basic rights set forth by the constitution and these rights will not
be violated by the JBC© or any other organization. Website Affiliates The JBC is not responsible for the
rating of any non Ed Production sites. We do however check them to make sure they have the maximum PG rating.
If the rating is beyond this the JBC will not place their link on the site. The websites are monitored but its not always
certain that the JBC staff will catch any Pg-13 rating and up material. We will do our best to provide quality family
websites to the viewers of the JBC. If you have any questions please email the Jawbreaker Chronicle at the address below
the contract. Staff
Guidelines *The employees
must follow all website viewer rules* see rules
above Rule 1D: Every employee has
the basic rights set forth by the constitution and these rules will not be violated by the JBC© or any other organization. Policy of
turning in articles Employees are never at risk of being fired. Here are the only ways of having your contract terminated. Rule 1E: Every employee is responsible
for turning in certain articles at a certain time. Not turning in articles at a certain time will result in termination. This
will only happen if the staff member does not send in a letter explaining why he or she hasn’t been able to write their
articles. The Editor will however notify them to write their articles and is required to. Rule 2E: Breaking any of the
Website Viewer Rules. See rules above Process of Quitting or being fired 1F: If you should be fired from any of those reasons or newly found ones you will have the choice of being judged
by the other staff members. However the Editor at the time of the incident will have a final say or argument that he will
give to the other staff members with or without the defendant’s permission. 2F: The Editor must send you a letter explaining why you have been terminated from your contract. The letter will
be entitled: Explanation of Termination. 3F: If you choose to quit
the JBC© the editor will need a letter in advance saying why you have
chosen to quit. The editor is then required to try to fix the problem. The employee will be given 48 hours to reply to the
letter or the Editor may choose to start a termination vote. *If any staff members rights are
violated the Editor can be replaced by a vote. The vote must be presented to all staff members before being judged. This contract was set up for
the protection of website viewers and the members of the JBC© Any
complaints or comments may be sent to thejbc@gmail.com Editor Signature: Justin C. This
contract and website are all properties of The Jawbreaker Chronicle© However all Ed, Edd n Eddy characters, pictures, etc…belong to AKA Studios and Cartoon Network. Some pictures are also used from TheEddZone.com and Los3Eds.com.No infringements are intended.
Jawbreaker Chronicle© 2002-2006 All Articles are the original ideas of the staff
members of the site. The creator isn't liable for any content taken by staff members. Please don't take our articles. If you
would like to use one please email the Editor.