Personal Questions
Why did you create this website?
Answer: Well I love the Eds and wanted to give something back to them for all that they have done
for me. And I love to make websites.
What made you decide on writing articles for your website?
Answer: Well, I was looking at which is a great site for the Eds and noticed a section
where articles about the Eds were being written. I thought that it was a cool concept so I started writing them and soon after
began publishing them.
Who are you?
Answer: I'm a normal person just like you. I go to school, work, and hang out with my friends.
How long do you plan on keeping this website going?
Answer: I've recently thought about that. I guess I plan on keeping it going for as long as I have
time to work on it.
JBC Questions
How long does it take you to publish an issue?
Answer: Well it usually depends how much time I have to work on it. The soonest I've
been able to publish an issue is about a week. I try to get a new issue out every week or so.
Do you have anyone here helping you?
Answer: Of course I do. I have a whole dedicated staff to write articles for me. You
can check them out in the staff section.
Can I write articles for the chronicle?
Answer: Absolutely, we're always looking for new ideas. I'm not going to promise that
all articles submitted are going to be published but most will. And if I like your article enough I may even make you a full
time staff member.
What happens if I only want to suggest an article idea?
Answer: Then you're in luck because we have a section just for that. The suggestion area is for people who don't want to write an article but do want to help out.
I really like the Ed-vertisements and I have a great idea for one. Is there anyway
that I can send the advertisement to you?
Answer: Yes just go to the advertisement suggestion area where it gives you all the rules and information that you will need.
Ed, Edd n Eddy Questions
When is the finale showing?
Answer: The producers of the show won't say but don't worry it will be coming shortly.
Do you know of a site where the creator of the show actually visits?
Answer: Yes I do, it is theeddzone. He posts there a lot and visits the message boards.
What is your most favorite Ed, Edd n Eddy episode?
Answer: Ummm... That's a toughy. I would have to say Ed n Seek because it is one of the
first episodes with all of the kids involved and playing with each other.
Are any new Ed shows coming out?
Answer: Yes there will be new thirty minute specials during this christmas
(2004), Valentine's Day (2005) and one during Easter (2005).